Cloud Native Apps











See how in ESG’s 2019 survey report










Shift Left and Protect Your Cloud Native Applications

Application architectures and their infrastructure platforms are evolving, and traditional cybersecurity technologies just can’t keep up. With so much in flux, organizations simply can’t rely on traditional approaches to protect their business-critical workloads.

At the same time, DevOps is transitioning to a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) process, further impacting security methods.

To explore the impact of these changes, ESG conducted a research survey covering cloud native security trends, how organizations are shifting security left, and the emergence of a DevSecOps model. Read the survey analysis to learn about:

  • Current and future cloud-native security best practices
  • Common challenges to watch out for when securing apps
  • Requirements to secure and deploy apps born in the cloud

Learn more about ESG’s core takeaways and recommendations for moving your organization toward a DevSecOps model. You’ll find out how to implement tools that automate security via CI/CD integration to protect your future.

This is content in German

ESG’s key research findings