During the past two years, many of us have spent an increasing amount of time at our desks, staring at our monitors. Well it's time to get out of your chair and take a walk with us ... a Walk in the Cloud. Our fortnightly podcast series features cloud security experts from across the region who share trends, best practices, and provide an opportunity for you to connect to like-minded individuals. Get your walking shoes on and join us. To dive deeper, sign-up to our monthly newsletter
The increasing adoption of a multi-cloud strategy poses serious security challenges. Relying on conventional security strategies leaves you prone to blind spots. You may believe that you have taken proper steps to secure your cloud workloads when, in fact, those tools are not effective in the cloud. In this episode of a Walk in the Cloud, we shine a light on these security blind spots, and explore best practices that you can adopt to avoid them, without sacrificing the benefits of a multi-cloud strategy.
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Containerisation is a natural fit for microservice-based applications. Organisations need to ensure that their security is purpose-built to secure containers. This episode of a Walk in the Cloud reveals why a cloud native security approach is essential to provide all the functionality needed to protect containerised environments. Find out six ways to help you accelerate and scale devops practises without compromising security.
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