The Enterprise Buyer’s
Guide to Next-Gen

Leitfaden für Käufer: mehr Sicherheit mit integrierten CASB

Sécurité CASB intégrée :
guide d’achat des entreprises

Guía de compra de soluciones de seguridad con CASB integrado para empresas

Enterprise Buyer’s
Guide to Integrated
CASB Security

バイヤーズ ガイド

L'Acquirente Aziendale
Guida alla Next-Gen

엔터프라이즈 구매자를 위한
통합 CASB 보안

Enterprise Buyer’s
Guide to Integrated
CASB Security

Enterprise Buyer’s
Guide to Integrated
CASB Security

Enterprise Buyer’s
Guide to Integrated
CASB Security

Guia do comprador empresarial
para segurança de
CASB integrado

The 5 must-haves for a modern CASB solution.

Fünf unverzichtbare Merkmale einer modernen CASB-Lösung

Les 5 caractéristiques essentielles d’un CASB moderne

Los 5 requisitos imprescindibles de un CASB moderno

The 5 must-haves for a modern CASB solution

I 5 must-have per una moderna soluzione CASB.

최신 CASB 솔루션의 5가지 필수 항목

The 5 must-haves for a modern CASB solution

The 5 must-haves for a modern CASB solution

5 itens essenciais para uma solução CASB moderna

Redefine Your SaaS Security with a Next-Generation Approach to CASB

Verbessern Sie Ihre SaaS-Sicherheit mit einem integrierten CASB-Ansatz

Misez sur une approche intégrée du CASB pour redéfinir votre sécurité SaaS

Redefina su sistema de seguridad SaaS con una solución con CASB integrado

Ridefinisci la tua sicurezza SaaS con un approccio di nuova generazione al CASB

Redefine Your SaaS Security with an Integrated Approach to CASB

CASB 통합 접근 방식으로 SaaS 보안 재정의

Redefine Your SaaS Security with an Integrated Approach to CASB

Redefine Your SaaS Security with an Integrated Approach to CASB

Redefina sua segurança SaaS com uma abordagem integrada para CASB

Enterprise adoption of SaaS applications continues to take off and quickly proliferate with no signs of slowing down. Enterprises view the adoption of SaaS apps as the main strategy that enables them to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and business productivity in the shortest amount of time. The pandemic has only served to intensify their adoption. Gartner estimates that SaaS applications will continue to grow and maintain their dominance as the largest market segment in worldwide IT spending in 2021 and beyond.1

The rapid incorporation of SaaS apps across all business functions creates chaos that is hard for IT to control as ownership and management are becoming increasingly distributed.

CASBs have been on the market for almost a decade and have undoubtedly become vital to cloud security. Yet, they present notable drawbacks that demand a departure from their inherent operating models. In this e-book, we share the five must-haves of a modern CASB solution that can help you keep pace with the explosion of SaaS applications, including: 

  • SaaS security problems that keep CISOs up at night
  • The security challenges of SaaS apps such as shadow IT
  • Why legacy CASB can’t keep up with the SaaS explosion and a modern approach is needed

Read our e-book to learn how a modern CASB can help you overcome the challenges of securing SaaS apps, making them simple to manage, less costly and easy to deploy.

1 “Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Grow 23% in 2021,” Gartner, April 21, 2021.

Die Nutzung von SaaS-Anwendungen in Unternehmen nimmt stark zu – ohne Anzeichen einer Entschleunigung, da Unternehmen SaaS-Modelle als ihre wichtigste Strategie zur möglichst schnellen Stärkung von Effizienz und betrieblicher Produktivität ansehen. Die Pandemie hat diesen SaaS-Boom nur beschleunigt: Laut Gartner werden SaaS-Anwendungen auch nach 2021 weiter zunehmen und der größte Posten in den IT-Budgets weltweit bleiben.1

Die schnelle Einführung von SaaS-Anwendungen in allen Unternehmensabteilungen bringt teils unüberschaubare Verhältnisse mit sich, deren Kontrolle IT-Teams Probleme bereitet – vor allem da Zuständigkeiten und Verwaltungsfunktionen immer unübersichtlicher werden.

CASB sind schon seit mehreren Jahrzehnten auf dem Markt und haben sich zweifelsohne zu einem wichtigen Teil der Cloud-Sicherheit entwickelt. Dennoch weisen sie einige grundlegende Nachteile auf, die behoben werden müssen. In diesem E-Book besprechen wir die fünf unverzichtbaren Merkmale einer modernen CASB-Lösung, die Ihnen dabei helfen können, mit dem SaaS-Boom mitzuhalten, und erläutern Themen wie: 

  • SaaS-Sicherheitsprobleme, die CISOs schlaflose Nächte bereiten
  • Sicherheitsherausforderungen bei SaaS-Anwendungen (Stichwort Schatten-IT)
  • Gründe, warum ältere CASB nicht mit dem Saas-Boom mithalten können und ein moderner Ansatz nötig ist

Lesen Sie unser E-Book, um zu erfahren, wie ein moderner CASB Ihnen dabei helfen kann, die Sicherheitsherausforderungen von SaaS-Anwendungen zu bewältigen und ihre Verwaltung und Bereitstellung einfacher und kostengünstiger zu gestalten.

1 Gartner, „Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Grow 23% in 2021“, 21. April 2021,

Au sein des entreprises, l’adoption des applications SaaS continue sur sa lancée sans aucun signe de ralentissement. Car pour ces organisations, le SaaS représente la voie royale pour conjuguer efficacité et productivité maximale en un temps record. Et la pandémie n’a fait qu’intensifier cette tendance. Selon Gartner, les applications SaaS vont poursuivre leur croissance et confirmer leur rôle de locomotive dans les dépenses IT mondiales à moyen terme.1

Seul bémol, cette prolifération rapide du SaaS à toutes les fonctions métiers sème le chaos dans les équipes IT, qui peinent à garder le contrôle face à la dispersion des domaines de responsabilité et de gestion.

Présents sur le marché depuis bientôt dix ans, les CASB se sont imposés comme des alliés incontestables et incontournables de la sécurité du cloud. Cependant, leurs insuffisances notoires appellent à repenser leur modèle opérationnel. Cet eBook vous révèle les cinq caractéristiques indispensables d’un nouveau genre de CASB conçu pour vous aider à maîtriser l’explosion du SaaS. Au sommaire : 

  • Problèmes de sécurité SaaS redoutés par les RSSI
  • Problématiques propres aux applications SaaS, notamment le Shadow IT
  • Lacunes actuelles des CASB traditionnels et nécessité d’une nouvelle approche

Découvrez dans cet eBook tous les atouts d’un CASB moderne pour surmonter les défis de sécurité du SaaS, avec à la clé des applications moins coûteuses et plus simples à gérer et à déployer.

1.« Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud Revenue to Grow 23% in 2021 », Gartner, 21 avril 2021.

La adopción de aplicaciones SaaS por parte de las empresas sigue creciendo a marchas forzadas y no parece que esto vaya a cambiar. De hecho, con la pandemia no ha hecho más que intensificarse. Las empresas la ven como la principal estrategia que les permite alcanzar los mayores niveles de eficiencia y productividad comercial en el menor tiempo posible. Según los cálculos de Gartner, el uso de las aplicaciones SaaS continuará creciendo, y estas seguirán constituyendo el mayor segmento en cuanto a gasto en TI a nivel global en el año 2021 y en adelante.1

La rápida incorporación de aplicaciones SaaS en todas las funciones empresariales genera una situación caótica difícil de controlar para el departamento de TI, pues la propiedad y la gestión están cada vez más distribuidas.

Los CASB llevan casi una década en el mercado y, sin duda, se han vuelto esenciales para la seguridad en la nube. Sin embargo, también presentan inconvenientes importantes que exigen alejarse de sus modelos de funcionamiento inherentes. En este libro electrónico, exponemos los cinco requisitos imprescindibles de una solución CASB moderna que ayude a seguir el ritmo de la proliferación de aplicaciones SaaS. En él, abordamos cuestiones como las siguientes: 

  • Problemas de la seguridad SaaS que quitan el sueño a los directores de seguridad de la información.
  • Los retos que plantean las aplicaciones SaaS en materia de seguridad, como la informática en la sombra.
  • Por qué los CASB antiguos no son capaces de seguir el ritmo a la proliferación de aplicaciones SaaS y se necesita un enfoque moderno.

Lea nuestro libro electrónico para saber cómo proteger las aplicaciones SaaS más fácilmente con la ayuda de un CASB moderno, que hará que supongan un gasto menor y simplificará su gestión e implantación.

1 «Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Grow 23% in 2021» (disponible en inglés), Gartner, 21 de abril de 2021.

Enterprise adoption of SaaS applications continues to take off and quickly proliferate with no signs of slowing down. Enterprises view the adoption of SaaS apps as the main strategy that enables them to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and business productivity in the shortest amount of time. The pandemic has only served to intensify their adoption. Gartner estimates that SaaS applications will continue to grow and maintain their dominance as the largest market segment in worldwide IT spending in 2021 and beyond.1

The rapid incorporation of SaaS apps across all business functions creates chaos that is hard for IT to control as ownership and management are becoming increasingly distributed.

CASBs have been on the market for almost a decade and have undoubtedly become vital to cloud security. Yet, they present notable drawbacks that demand a departure from their inherent operating models. In this e-book, we share the five must-haves of a modern CASB solution that can help you keep pace with the explosion of SaaS applications, including: 

  • SaaS security problems that keep CISOs up at night
  • The security challenges of SaaS apps such as shadow IT
  • Why legacy CASB can’t keep up with the SaaS explosion and a modern approach is needed

Read our e-book to learn how a modern CASB can help you overcome the challenges of securing SaaS apps, making them simple to manage, less costly and easy to deploy.

1 “Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Grow 23% in 2021,” Gartner, April 21, 2021.

L'adozione aziendale delle applicazioni SaaS continua a decollare e proliferare rapidamente senza segni di rallentamento. Le aziende considerano l'adozione di app SaaS come la strategia principale che consente loro di raggiungere i massimi livelli di efficienza e produttività aziendale nel più breve lasso di tempo. La pandemia è servita solo a intensificare la loro adozione. Gartner stima che le applicazioni SaaS continueranno a crescere e a mantenere il loro dominio come il più grande segmento di mercato nella spesa IT mondiale nel 2021 e oltre.1

La rapida integrazione di app SaaS in tutte le funzioni aziendali crea un caos difficile da controllare per l'IT poiché la proprietà e la gestione stanno diventando sempre più distribuite.

I CASB sono sul mercato da quasi un decennio e sono indubbiamente diventati vitali per la sicurezza del cloud. Tuttavia, presentano notevoli inconvenienti che richiedono un allontanamento dai loro modelli operativi intrinseci. In questo e-book, condividiamo i cinque must-have di una moderna soluzione CASB che può aiutarti a tenere il passo con l'esplosione delle applicazioni SaaS, tra cui: 

  • Problemi di sicurezza SaaS che tengono svegli i CISO di notte
  • Le sfide di sicurezza delle app SaaS come lo shadow IT
  • Perché il CASB legacy non può tenere il passo con l'esplosione SaaS ed è necessario un approccio moderno

Leggi il nostro e-book per scoprire come un CASB moderno può aiutarti a superare le sfide della protezione delle app SaaS, rendendole semplici da gestire, meno costose e facili da implementare.

1 "Gartner prevede che la spesa degli utenti finali del cloud pubblico in tutto il mondo crescerà del 23% nel 2021", Gartner, 21 aprile 2021.

SaaS 애플리케이션 도입은 업계에서 급격히 대세로 떠올라 그 기세를 이어가고 있으며, 주춤할 여지도 없이 빠르게 확산 중입니다. 기업에서는 SaaS 앱을 도입하는 것이야말로 가장 단기간에 최대한의 효율성과 비즈니스 생산성을 달성할 주요 전략으로 여깁니다. 지금까지 이어지고 있는 팬데믹 시국은 SaaS 앱 도입을 강화하는 역할을 했을 뿐입니다. Gartner의 예상에 따르면 SaaS 애플리케이션은 2021년 그리고 그 이후에도 전 세계 IT 업계에서 가장 큰 점유율을 보유한 부문으로 성장하여 기세를 이어갈 것으로 전망됩니다.1

모든 사업부에서 SaaS 앱을 급속히 도입함에 따라 소유권과 관리가 점점 더 분산되어 IT 부서에서 이를 통제하기 어려워지면서 여러 가지 혼란스러운 상황이 발생하고 있습니다.

출시된 지 거의 10년이 되어가는 CASB는 의심할 여지 없이 클라우드 보안에 필수적인 요소가 되었지만 이 서비스에는 고유한 운영 모델에서 벗어나야 하는 큰 단점이 있습니다. 이 e북에서는 SaaS 애플리케이션 폭증에 발맞추기 위해 최신 CASB 솔루션이 갖추어야 하는 다음의 다섯 가지 필수 항목을 소개합니다.

  • CISO의 밤잠을 설치게 하는 SaaS 보안 문제점
  • SaaS 앱의 보안 문제점(예: 섀도 IT)
  • 레거시 CASB로 SaaS 폭증 속도를 따라잡지 못하는 이유와 최신 접근 방식이 필요한 이유

최신 CASB를 도입하면 SaaS 앱의 관리를 간소화하고 비용을 절감하며 간편한 구축을 지원합니다. e북을 통해 이러한 특징이 보안 관련 문제점을 극복하는 데 어떤 면에서 도움이 되는지 알아보세요.

1“Gartner, 2021년에 전 세계 퍼블릭 클라우드 최종 사용자 지출액이 23% 증가할 것으로 예측” Gartner, 2021년 4월 21일.

Enterprise adoption of SaaS applications continues to take off and quickly proliferate with no signs of slowing down. Enterprises view the adoption of SaaS apps as the main strategy that enables them to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and business productivity in the shortest amount of time. The pandemic has only served to intensify their adoption. Gartner estimates that SaaS applications will continue to grow and maintain their dominance as the largest market segment in worldwide IT spending in 2021 and beyond.1

The rapid incorporation of SaaS apps across all business functions creates chaos that is hard for IT to control as ownership and management are becoming increasingly distributed.

CASBs have been on the market for almost a decade and have undoubtedly become vital to cloud security. Yet, they present notable drawbacks that demand a departure from their inherent operating models. In this e-book, we share the five must-haves of a modern CASB solution that can help you keep pace with the explosion of SaaS applications, including: 

  • SaaS security problems that keep CISOs up at night
  • The security challenges of SaaS apps such as shadow IT
  • Why legacy CASB can’t keep up with the SaaS explosion and a modern approach is needed

Read our e-book to learn how a modern CASB can help you overcome the challenges of securing SaaS apps, making them simple to manage, less costly and easy to deploy.

1 “Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Grow 23% in 2021,” Gartner, April 21, 2021.

Enterprise adoption of SaaS applications continues to take off and quickly proliferate with no signs of slowing down. Enterprises view the adoption of SaaS apps as the main strategy that enables them to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and business productivity in the shortest amount of time. The pandemic has only served to intensify their adoption. Gartner estimates that SaaS applications will continue to grow and maintain their dominance as the largest market segment in worldwide IT spending in 2021 and beyond.1

The rapid incorporation of SaaS apps across all business functions creates chaos that is hard for IT to control as ownership and management are becoming increasingly distributed.

CASBs have been on the market for almost a decade and have undoubtedly become vital to cloud security. Yet, they present notable drawbacks that demand a departure from their inherent operating models. In this e-book, we share the five must-haves of a modern CASB solution that can help you keep pace with the explosion of SaaS applications, including: 

  • SaaS security problems that keep CISOs up at night
  • The security challenges of SaaS apps such as shadow IT
  • Why legacy CASB can’t keep up with the SaaS explosion and a modern approach is needed

Read our e-book to learn how a modern CASB can help you overcome the challenges of securing SaaS apps, making them simple to manage, less costly and easy to deploy.

1 “Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Grow 23% in 2021,” Gartner, April 21, 2021.

Enterprise adoption of SaaS applications continues to take off and quickly proliferate with no signs of slowing down. Enterprises view the adoption of SaaS apps as the main strategy that enables them to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and business productivity in the shortest amount of time. The pandemic has only served to intensify their adoption. Gartner estimates that SaaS applications will continue to grow and maintain their dominance as the largest market segment in worldwide IT spending in 2021 and beyond.1

The rapid incorporation of SaaS apps across all business functions creates chaos that is hard for IT to control as ownership and management are becoming increasingly distributed.

CASBs have been on the market for almost a decade and have undoubtedly become vital to cloud security. Yet, they present notable drawbacks that demand a departure from their inherent operating models. In this e-book, we share the five must-haves of a modern CASB solution that can help you keep pace with the explosion of SaaS applications, including: 

  • SaaS security problems that keep CISOs up at night
  • The security challenges of SaaS apps such as shadow IT
  • Why legacy CASB can’t keep up with the SaaS explosion and a modern approach is needed

Read our e-book to learn how a modern CASB can help you overcome the challenges of securing SaaS apps, making them simple to manage, less costly and easy to deploy.

1 “Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Public Cloud End-User Spending to Grow 23% in 2021,” Gartner, April 21, 2021.

A adoção empresarial de aplicativos SaaS continua a decolar e a proliferar rapidamente, sem sinais de desaceleração. As empresas veem a adoção de aplicativos SaaS como a principal estratégia que lhes permite alcançar os mais altos níveis de eficiência e produtividade empresarial no menor tempo possível. A pandemia serviu apenas para intensificar sua adoção. A Gartner estima que os aplicativos SaaS continuarão a crescer e manter seu domínio como o maior segmento de mercado em gastos mundiais com TI em 2021 e além.1

A rápida incorporação de aplicativos SaaS em todas as funções de negócios cria um caos que é difícil para a TI controlar, pois a propriedade e o gerenciamento estão se tornando cada vez mais distribuídos.

Os CASBs estão no mercado há quase uma década e, sem dúvida, se tornaram vitais para a segurança na nuvem. No entanto, eles apresentam desvantagens notáveis que exigem um afastamento de seus modelos operacionais inerentes. Neste e-book, compartilhamos os cinco itens essenciais de uma solução CASB moderna que pode ajudar a acompanhar o aumento exponencial de aplicativos SaaS, incluindo:

  • Problemas de segurança SaaS que mantêm os CISOs acordados à noite
  • Os desafios de segurança de aplicativos SaaS, como TI sombra
  • Por que o CASB herdado não consegue acompanhar o aumento do SaaS e é necessária uma abordagem moderna

Leia nosso e-book para saber como um CASB moderno pode ajudar a superar os desafios de proteger aplicativos SaaS, tornando-os simples de gerenciar, mais baratos e fáceis de implantar.

1 “A Gartner prevê que os gastos mundiais de usuários finais de nuvem pública cresçam 23% em 2021”, Gartner, 21 de abril de 2021.

The Enterprise Buyer’s Guide to Next-Gen CASB

Leitfaden für Käufer: mehr Sicherheit mit integrierten CASB

Sécurité IoT : guide d’achat CASB intégré

Guía de compra de soluciones de CASB integrado para empresas

The Enterprise Buyer’s Guide to Integrated CASB

Guida all'acquisto aziendale al CASB di nuova generazione

엔터프라이즈 구매자를 위한 통합 CASB 안내서

The Enterprise Buyer’s Guide to Integrated CASB

The Enterprise Buyer’s Guide to Integrated CASB

The Enterprise Buyer’s Guide to Integrated CASB

Guia do comprador empresarial para CASB integrado