ANALYST REPORT A Leader in single-vendor SASE for the second time.

ANALYST REPORT Zum zweiten Mal Leader für SASE-Lösungen aus einer Hand

Un Leader des solutions SASE monofournisseur pour la deuxième année consécutive

ANALYST REPORT A Leader in single-vendor SASE for the second time.




アナリスト レポート シングルベンダーSASEのリーダーに2回連続で選出。

ANALYST REPORT 두 번째로 단일 벤더 SASE 부문의 리더로 선정되다.

分析师报告 第二次成为单一供应商 SASE 的领导者。

分析師報告 再次獲評選為單一廠商 SASE 的領導者。


RELATÓRIO DE ANALISTAS Líder em SASE de fornecedor único pela segunda vez.

Palo Alto Networks named a Leader again—in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE.

Gartner Logo

Palo Alto Networks wurde im Gartner® Magic Quadrant für SASE-Lösungen aus einer Hand 2024 erneut als Leader anerkannt.

Gartner Logo

Pour la deuxième année consécutive, nous nous classons au rang des Leaders du Gartner® Magic Quadrant 2024 des solutions SASE monofournisseur

Gartner Logo

Palo Alto Networks named a Leader again—in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE.

Gartner Logo




Palo Alto Networks가 2024년 Gartner® Magic Quadrant 단일 벤더 SASE 부문에서 다시 한번 리더로 선정되었습니다.

Gartner Logo

Palo Alto Networks 在 2024 年 Gartner® 单一供应商 SASE 魔力象限 中再次被评为“领导者”。

Gartner Logo

Palo Alto Networks 在 2024 年 Gartner® 單一廠商 SASE 魔力象限 中再次獲評選為領導者。

Gartner Logo

Palo Alto Networks nomeada líder novamente no Magic Quadrant 2024 da Gartner® para SASE de fornecedor único.

Gartner Logo

Highest on Ability to Execute and furthest on Completeness of Vision

Beste Bewertungen für „Ability to Execute“ und „Completeness of Vision“

En tête sur les axes « Capacité d’exécution » et « Exhaustivité de la vision »

Highest on Ability to Execute and furthest on Completeness of Vision



가장 높은 실행 역량, 가장 탁월한 비전 완성도



Maior capacidade de execução e mais avançado em integridade de visão.

A secure access service edge (SASE) solution encompasses the networking and security tools needed to effectively connect and protect an organization’s vast networks. A SASE solution should adapt to the hybrid workforce, cloud and digital transformation initiatives, as well as expand into the AI world of technology. And all from a single solution. 

Palo Alto Networks is honored to be recognized as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE for the second straight year. We also placed the highest for Ability to Execute and furthest for Completeness of Vision. We believe we are a Leader by going beyond traditional SASE with a future-proof solution that addresses the complexities of a hybrid workplace such as:

  • Securing Any User, Device or App, Anywhere – Prisma SASE is the industry's only SASE solution that secures both managed and unmanaged devices through a natively integrated enterprise browser, in minutes extending protection to anywhere for devices, users and even branches.
  • Leveraging AI-Powered Data Security – Prisma SASE’s AI-powered Document Classification combines the strengths of machine learning models with the power of LLM-based natural language understanding, further enhancing our DLP solution to help keep customer data secure.
  • Providing a Seamless Digital Experience – Prisma SASE App Acceleration is the only solution that securely understands each user's journey inside the app and proactively computes the dynamic content for that user, enabling application performance up to 5x faster for users everywhere, including those in branches.

Get in touch with the only vendor recognized as a Leader for two-times in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE to secure the future of work at your organization.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, Magic Quadrant is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Palo Alto Networks.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE, 03 July 2024, Andrew Lerner, Jonathan Forest, Neil MacDonald, Charlie Winckless

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Eine Secure Access Service Edge(SASE)-Lösung stellt die zur effektiven Verbindung und Sicherung riesiger Unternehmensnetzwerke erforderlichen Netzwerk- und Sicherheitstools bereit.Eine solche Lösung sollte nicht nur die Anforderungen von hybriden Arbeitsmodellen, Cloud-Umgebungen und der digitalen Transformation erfüllen, sondern auch neue KI-Technologien unterstützen –und zwar mit einer einzigen Lösung.

Palo Alto Networks wurde das zweite Jahr in Folge im Gartner Magic Quadrant für SASE-Lösungen aus einer Hand 2024 als Leader anerkannt.Unsere Lösung erhielt die besten Bewertungen in den Kategorien „Ability to Execute“ und „Completeness of Vision“.Unser Meinung nach zeichnet uns als Leader aus, dass wir nicht nur herkömmliches SASE, sondern eine zukunftssichere Lösung anbieten, die auch hybride Arbeitsmodelle abdeckt. Zu den Vorteilen gehören:

  • Standortunabhängiger Schutz aller Benutzer, Geräte und Anwendungen: Prisma SASE ist die branchenweit einzige SASE-Lösung, die sowohl verwaltete als auch nicht verwaltete Geräte mit einem nativ integrierten Unternehmensbrowser innerhalb weniger Minuten sichert und standortunabhängigen Schutz für alle Geräte, Benutzer und sogar Filialen bietet.
  • KI-gestützte Datensicherheit: Die KI-gestützte Dokumentenklassifizierung von Prisma SASE kombiniert effektive Modelle für das maschinelle Lernen mit der LLM-basierten natürlichen Spracherkennung. Diese Funktion ergänzt unsere DLP-Lösung und sorgt für einen besseren Schutz der Kundendaten.
  • Nahtlose digitale Benutzererfahrung: Prisma SASE App Acceleration ist die einzige Lösung, die die Benutzeraktivitäten in einer Anwendung nachvollziehen und proaktiv die als Nächstes benötigten Inhalte bereitstellen kann. Damit ist eine bis zu 5-mal höhere Anwendungsleistung möglich – unabhängig vom Standort der Benutzer und auch in Filialen.

Kontaktieren Sie den einzigen Anbieter, der im Gartner Magic Quadrant für SASE-Lösungen aus einer Hand bereits zweimal als Leader anerkannt wurde, und besprechen Sie mit uns die Möglichkeiten zum Schutz moderner Arbeitsumgebungen in Ihrem Unternehmen.

GARTNER ist eine eingetragene Marke und Dienstleistungsmarke von Gartner, Inc. und/oder seinen Partnern in den USA und anderen Ländern. Magic Quadrant ist eine eingetragene Marke von Gartner, Inc. und/oder seinen Partnern und wird hier mit Genehmigung von Gartner verwendet. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Diese Grafik wurde von Gartner, Inc. als Teil eines längeren Forschungsberichts veröffentlicht und sollte im Kontext des gesamten Dokuments bewertet werden. Das Dokument von Gartner ist auf Anfrage bei Palo Alto Networks erhältlich.

Gartner, „Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE“, Andrew Lerner, Jonathan Forest, Neil MacDonald, Charlie Winckless, 3. Juli 2024.

Gartner unterstützt keine der in seinen Forschungspublikationen dargestellten Anbieter, Produkte oder Serviceleistungen und empfiehlt Technologieanwendern nicht, sich auf die Anbieter mit den höchsten Bewertungen oder sonstigen Auszeichnungen zu beschränken. Die Forschungsveröffentlichungen von Gartner spiegeln die Meinungen der Forschungsorganisation von Gartner wider und sollten nicht als Tatsachenaussagen verstanden werden. Gartner schließt jegliche ausdrückliche oder stillschweigende Haftung in Bezug auf diese Studie sowie jegliche Garantie der Marktgängigkeit oder Eignung für einen bestimmten Zweck aus.

Le modèle SASE (Secure Access Service Edge), c’est la combinaison du réseau et de la sécurité au sein d’une seule et même solution. Travail hybride, migration vers le cloud, initiatives de transformation numérique… une solution SASE doit s’adapter pour vous accompagner sur tous ces fronts, tout en intégrant des technologies d’IA.

Pour la deuxième année consécutive, Palo Alto Networks figure parmi les Leaders du Gartner Magic Quadrant 2024 des solutions SASE monofournisseur.Nous arrivons même en tête sur les axes « Capacité d’exécution » et « Exhaustivité de la vision ».Cette reconnaissance, nous la devons à notre volonté de dépasser le SASE traditionnel pour proposer une solution en phase avec les complexités des environnements hybrides, maintenant et pour longtemps. Nos leviers d’action :

  • La sécurité de tous les utilisateurs, appareils et applications, où qu’ils se trouvent – Prisma SASE est la seule solution SASE capable de sécuriser les appareils gérés et non gérés : son navigateur d’entreprise intégré en natif étend la protection aux équipements, utilisateurs et site distants non gérés en quelques minutes seulement.
  • Placer l’IA au service de la sécurité des données – La fonctionnalité Prisma SASE de classification des données pilotée par IA allie la puissance des modèles ML à la compréhension du langage naturel basée sur les LLM. Nos clients bénéficient ainsi d’une solution DLP renforcée pour protéger leurs données.
  • Une expérience numérique fluide – Prisma SASE App Acceleration est la seule solution capable de suivre en toute sécurité le parcours de chaque utilisateur au sein d’une application. Elle calcule le contenu dynamique correspondant pour des performances applicatives jusqu’à cinq fois plus rapides pour tous les utilisateurs, y compris ceux opérant depuis des sites distants.

Pour sécuriser l’avenir de votre entreprise, contactez le seul fournisseur nommé Leader du Gartner Magic Quadrant des solutions SASE monofournisseur pendant deux années consécutives.

GARTNER est une marque déposée et une marque de service de Gartner, Inc. et/ou de ses filiales aux États-Unis et à l’international. Magic Quadrant est une marque déposée de Gartner, Inc. et/ou de ses filiales, et est utilisée ici sous autorisation. Tous droits réservés. Ce graphique a été publié par Gartner, Inc. dans le cadre d’un rapport d’étude plus large et doit être évalué à la lumière de ce document entier. Le document Gartner est disponible sur demande à adresser à Palo Alto Networks.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE, 3 juillet 2024, Andrew Lerner, Jonathan Forest, Neil MacDonald, Charlie Winckless

Gartner ne cautionne aucun fournisseur, produit ou service mentionné dans ses publications de recherche, ni ne recommande aux utilisateurs informatiques de faire leur choix uniquement parmi les solutions des fournisseurs en tête du classement ou distinguées de quelque autre forme que ce soit. Les publications de recherche Gartner reposent sur les avis des équipes de recherche de Gartner et ne doivent en aucun cas être considérées comme des déclarations de fait. Gartner exclut toute garantie, expresse ou tacite, concernant ces recherches, y compris toute garantie de commerciabilité et d’adéquation à un usage particulier.

A secure access service edge (SASE) solution encompasses the networking and security tools needed to effectively connect and protect an organization’s vast networks. A SASE solution should adapt to the hybrid workforce, cloud and digital transformation initiatives, as well as expand into the AI world of technology. And all from a single solution. 

Palo Alto Networks is honored to be recognized as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE for the second straight year. We also placed the highest for Ability to Execute and furthest for Completeness of Vision. We believe we are a Leader by going beyond traditional SASE with a future-proof solution that addresses the complexities of a hybrid workplace such as:

  • Securing Any User, Device or App, Anywhere – Prisma SASE is the industry's only SASE solution that secures both managed and unmanaged devices through a natively integrated enterprise browser, in minutes extending protection to anywhere for devices, users and even branches.
  • Leveraging AI-Powered Data Security – Prisma SASE’s AI-powered Document Classification combines the strengths of machine learning models with the power of LLM-based natural language understanding, further enhancing our DLP solution to help keep customer data secure.
  • Providing a Seamless Digital Experience – Prisma SASE App Acceleration is the only solution that securely understands each user's journey inside the app and proactively computes the dynamic content for that user, enabling application performance up to 5x faster for users everywhere, including those in branches.

Get in touch with the only vendor recognized as a Leader for two-times in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE to secure the future of work at your organization.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, Magic Quadrant is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved. This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Palo Alto Networks.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Single-Vendor SASE, 03 July 2024, Andrew Lerner, Jonathan Forest, Neil MacDonald, Charlie Winckless

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

LP-3 Sec 1 Content
LP-3 Sec 1 Content

SASE(Secure Access Service Edge) 솔루션은 조직이 보유한 방대한 네트워크를 효과적으로 연결하고 보호하기 위해 필요한 네트워킹 및 보안 도구를 포괄적으로 다룹니다. SASE 솔루션은 하이브리드 인력과 클라우드, 디지털 혁신 이니셔티브에 적응하는 동시에 AI 기술 세계에 대한 확장성을 보유하고 있어야 합니다. 이 모든 것을 하나의 솔루션에서 제공할 수 있어야 하죠.

Palo Alto Networks는 2024년 Gartner Magic Quadrant 단일 벤더 SASE 부문에서 2년 연속으로 리더로 선정되는 영예를 안았습니다. 당사는 실행 역량에서 가장 높은 순위를 기록했으며, 비전의 완성도 측면에서 가장 우수한 점수를 받았습니다. 다음과 같은 하이브리드 업무 환경의 복잡성을 해결할 수 있는 미래 지향적 솔루션으로서 기존의 SASE를 능가했다는 점에서 리더로 인정받았다고 생각합니다.

  • 어디서든 모든 사용자와 디바이스, 앱 보호 – Prisma SASE는 네이티브 방식으로 통합된 엔터프라이즈 브라우저를 통해 관리형/비관리형 디바이스를 모두 보호하는 업계 유일의 SASE 솔루션으로서, 불과 몇 분 만에 디바이스, 사용자, 지사에 이르기까지 원하는 대로 보호 범위를 확장할 수 있습니다.
  • AI 기반 데이터 보안 활용 - Prisma SASE의 AI 기반 문서 분류 시스템은 머신 러닝 모델의 강점과 LLM 기반 자연어 기술을 결합하여 DLP 솔루션을 더욱 강화함으로써 고객 데이터를 안전하게 보호합니다.
  • 원활한 디지털 환경 제공 - Prisma SASE App Acceleration은 앱에서 안전한 방식으로 사용자의 여정을 파악하고 해당 사용자의 동적 콘텐츠를 한 발 앞서 계산함으로써 지사를 비롯한 모든 환경에서 최대 5배 빠른 애플리케이션 성능을 제공하는 유일한 솔루션입니다.

Gartner Magic Quadrant 단일 벤더 SASE 부문에서 두 번이나 리더로 선정된 유일한 벤더와 함께 조직의 든든한 미래를 확보하세요.

GARTNER는 미국 및 국제적으로 Gartner, Inc. 및/또는 그 계열사의 등록 상표 및 서비스 마크이며, Magic Quadrant는 Gartner, Inc. 및/또는 그 계열사의 등록 상표로서 허가를 받아 본 문서에서 사용되었습니다. 모든 권리를 보유하고 있습니다. 이 그래픽은 대규모로 진행되는 리서치 문서의 일부로서 Gartner, Inc.에서 발행했으며, 전체 문서의 맥락에서 평가해야 합니다. Palo Alto Networks에 요청하시면 Garner 문서를 제공해 드립니다.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant 단일 벤더 SASE, 2024년 7월 3일, Andrew Lerner, Jonathan Forest, Neil MacDonald, Charlie Winckless

Gartner는 연구 간행물에서 언급된 벤더, 제품 또는 서비스를 보증하지 않으며, 기술 사용자에게 최고 등급 또는 기타 인정을 받은 공급업체만을 선택하도록 권장하지 않습니다. Gartner 연구 간행물은 Gartner 연구 조직의 의견으로 구성되며, 사실에 대한 진술로 해석해서는 안 됩니다. 이 연구와 관련하여 Gartner는 상품성 또는 특정 목적 적합성에 대한 보증을 비롯하여 모든 명시적, 묵시적 보증을 부인합니다.

安全访问服务边缘 (SASE) 解决方案包括有效连接和保护企业庞大网络所需的联网和安全工具。SASE 解决方案应该适应混合劳动力、云和数字化转型计划,同时可扩展到人工智能技术世界。而所有这些都来自一个解决方案。

Palo Alto Networks 很荣幸在 2024 Gartner 单一供应商 SASE 魔力象限中连续第二年被评为领导者。我们还获评具有最强的执行力与最长远的愿景。我们相信,我们是领导者,因为我们超越了传统的 SASE,提供面向未来的解决方案,解决混合工作场所的复杂性,例如:

  • 在任何地方保护任何用户、设备或应用程序的安全 - Prisma SASE 是业界唯一可通过原生集成的企业浏览器保护托管和非托管设备安全的 SASE 解决方案,并且可以在几分钟内将设备、用户甚至分支机构的保护扩展到任何地方。
  • 利用人工智能驱动的数据安全 - Prisma SASE 的人工智能驱动文档分类结合了机器学习模型的优势和基于 LLM 的自然语言理解能力,进一步增强了我们的 DLP 解决方案,帮助保护客户数据的安全。
  • 提供无缝数字体验 - Prisma SASE App Acceleration 是唯一能够安全了解每个用户在应用程序中的足迹并主动为用户计算动态内容的解决方案,可将应用程序性能提高 5 倍,无论用户来自哪里(包括分支机构)。

欢迎联系唯一两次被 Gartner 单一供应商 SASE 魔力象限评为领导者的供应商,确保企业未来的工作安全进行。

GARTNER 是 Gartner, Inc. 和/或其在美国及全球的附属机构的注册商标和服务标志,魔力象限是 Gartner, Inc. 和/或其附属公司的注册商标,经许可在此使用。保留所有权利。此图由 Gartner, Inc. 发布,摘自一份较大的研究文档,故应放在整个文档中进行评估。提出申请后即可从 Palo Alto Networks 获得 Gartner 文档。

Gartner 单一供应商 SASE 魔力象限, 2024 年 7 月 3 日, Andrew Lerner, Jonathan Forest, Neil MacDonald, Charlie Winckless

Gartner 不为其研究出版物中描述的任何供应商、产品或服务提供任何担保,也不建议技术用户仅选择评级最高或其他指定的供应商。Gartner 研究出版物代表了 Gartner 研究机构的观点,不应解释为事实陈述。Gartner 对该项研究不做任何明示或暗示的保证,包括任何适销性或特定用途适用性的保证。

安全存取服務邊緣 (SASE) 解決方案結合有效連線和保護企業龐大網路所需的網路和安全工具。SASE 解決方案應要能適應於混合工作者、雲端和數位轉型計劃,還能同時擴展至 AI 技術領域,而且只需透過單一解決方案就能達成。

Palo Alto Networks 很榮幸能連續第二年獲評選為 2024 年 Gartner 單一廠商 SASE 魔力象限的領導者。而我們也在執行能力與願景完成度項目取得最佳成績。我們相信,自身能成為領導者的原因在於所提供的具未來保證的解決方案不僅超越傳統的 SASE,同時還能因應混合工作場所的複雜度,其中像是:

  • 隨處皆可保護所有使用者、裝置或是應用程式 – Prisma SASE 是業界唯一可以同時保護受管理與未受管理裝置的 SASE 解決方案,透過原生整合的企業瀏覽器在幾分鐘內即可將裝置、使用者,甚至是分公司的保護範圍擴展到任何位置。
  • 利用 AI 支援的數據安全性 – Prisma SASE AI 支援的文件分類結合機器學習模型的優勢以及基於 LLM 的自然語言理解能力,進一步增強我們的 DLP 解決方案,有助於確保客戶數據的安全。
  • 提供順暢的數位體驗 – Prisma SASE 應用程式加速是唯一能夠安全地了解每個使用者在其應用程式內的旅程,並且主動計算該使用者動態內容的解決方案,進而讓任何位置的使用者 (包括分公司的使用者) 的應用程式效能提高多達 5 倍。

與唯一兩度於 Gartner 單一廠商 SASE 魔力象限中獲評選為領導者的廠商聯繫,從而確保貴企業未來工作的安全。

GARTNER 是 Gartner, Inc 及/或其附屬公司在美國及其他國家的註冊商標及服務商標,Magic Quadrant 是 Gartner, Inc. 及/或其附屬公司的註冊商標,業經許可使用。保留所有權利。該圖由 Gartner 公司發佈,是其大型市場調查研究文件的一部分,應在全文環境中進行評估。提出申請後即可從 Palo Alto Networks 獲得 Gartner 文件。

Gartner,單一廠商 SASE 魔力象限,2024 年 7 月 3 日,Andrew Lerner、Jonathan Forest、Neil MacDonald 和 Charlie Winckless

Gartner 不為研究出版物中所提及之任何廠商、產品或服務背書,也不會刻意建議技術使用者僅選擇最高評級或其他指定的廠商。Gartner 研究出版物由 Gartner 調查與研究組織的觀點組成,不得解釋為事實陳述。Gartner 不對此研究做出任何明示或暗示擔保,包括對適銷性或特定用途適合性的任何擔保。

LP-3 Sec 1 Content

Uma solução de borda de serviço de acesso seguro (SASE) abrange as ferramentas de rede e segurança necessárias para conectar e proteger com eficácia as vastas redes de uma organização. Uma solução SASE deve se adaptar à força de trabalho híbrida, à nuvem e às iniciativas de transformação digital, bem como se expandir para o mundo da tecnologia de IA. E tudo a partir de uma única solução.

A Palo Alto Networks tem a honra de ser reconhecida como líder no Magic Quadrant 2024 da Gartner para SASE de fornecedor único pelo segundo ano consecutivo. Também conquistamos a posição mais elevada em capacidade de execução e a mais avançada em termos de integridade de visão. Acreditamos que somos líderes ao ir além da SASE tradicional com uma solução preparada para o futuro que aborda as complexidades de um local de trabalho híbrido, tais como:

  • Proteger todo usuário, dispositivo ou aplicativo, em qualquer lugar – o Prisma SASE é a única solução SASE do setor que protege dispositivos gerenciados e não gerenciados por meio de um navegador corporativo nativamente integrado, em minutos, estendendo a proteção a qualquer lugar para dispositivos, usuários e até mesmo filiais.
  • Aproveitar a segurança de dados alimentada por IA – a classificação de documentos alimentada por IA do Prisma SASE combina os pontos fortes dos modelos de aprendizado de máquina com o poder da compreensão da linguagem natural baseada em LLM, aprimorando ainda mais nossa solução DLP para ajudar a manter seguros os dados dos clientes.
  • Fornecer uma experiência digital perfeita – o Prisma SASE App Acceleration é a única solução que entende com segurança a jornada de cada usuário dentro do aplicativo e calcula proativamente o conteúdo dinâmico para esse usuário, possibilitando o desempenho do aplicativo até cinco vezes mais rápido para usuários em todos os lugares, inclusive em filiais.

Entre em contato com o único fornecedor reconhecido como líder duas vezes no Magic Quadrant da Gartner para SASE de fornecedor único para garantir o futuro do trabalho em sua organização.

GARTNER é uma marca registrada e marca de serviço da Gartner, Inc. e/ou suas afiliadas nos EUA e internacionalmente, Magic Quadrant é uma marca registrada da Gartner, Inc. e/ou suas afiliadas e é usado aqui com permissão. Todos os direitos reservados. Este gráfico foi publicado pela Gartner, Inc. como parte de um documento de pesquisa mais amplo e deve ser avaliado no contexto de todo o documento. O documento do Gartner está disponível mediante solicitação à Palo Alto Networks.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant para solução SASE de um único fornecedor, 3 de julho de 2024, Andrew Lerner, Jonathan Forest, Neil MacDonald, Charlie Winckless

A Gartner não recomenda nenhum fornecedor, produto ou serviço descrito em suas publicações de pesquisa e não aconselha usuários de tecnologia a selecionarem somente os fornecedores com as avaliações mais altas ou outra designação. As publicações de pesquisa da Gartner consistem nas opiniões da organização de pesquisa da Gartner e não devem ser interpretadas como afirmações de fato. A Gartner se isenta de quaisquer garantias, expressas ou implícitas, com relação a essa pesquisa, incluindo quaisquer garantias de comercialização ou adequação a um propósito específico.

Get in touch with a Leader in Single-Vendor SASE for two consecutive times

Kontaktieren Sie den zweifachen Leader für SASE-Lösungen aus einer Hand

Contactez un Leader des solutions SASE monofournisseur pour la deuxième année consécutive.

Get in touch with a Leader in Single-Vendor SASE for two consecutive times




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與連續兩次獲評選為單一廠商 SASE 領導者的廠商聯繫


Entre em contato com o líder em SASE de fornecedor único por duas vezes consecutivas