






















See Strata Cloud Manager Pro in action
with 90 days free.

Unify your network security operations, all from one intuitive interface.


Erleben Sie Strata Cloud Manager
90 Tage kostenlos in Aktion

90 Tage kostenlos in Aktion


Strata Cloud Manager : profitez de 90 jours d’essai gratuit

Unifiez vos opérations de sécurité réseau autour d’une seule interface unifiée


90 días gratis para
ver Strata Cloud Manager en acción

Unifique todas sus operaciones de seguridad de la red con una sola interfaz intuitiva.


Guarda Strata Cloud Manager in azione
con 90 giorni gratuiti.

Unifica le operazioni di sicurezza di rete, tutto da un'unica interfaccia intuitiva.

무료 평가판

90일 무료 평가판으로
Strata Cloud Manager를 실제로 사용해 보세요.

단 하나의 직관적인 인터페이스로 네트워크 보안 운영을 모두 통합할 수 있습니다.


费试用 90 天,
亲眼见证 Strata Cloud Manager。



免費試用 90 天,
了解 Strata Cloud Manager 的實際運作。



Veja o Strata Cloud Manager em ação
com 90 dias gratuitos.

Unifique suas operações de segurança de rede, tudo em uma única interface intuitiva.

Network security is more complex with every passing minute.

Which of the following challenges are you currently facing?







Start your 90-day free trial now to see how Strata Cloud Manager Pro, the first AI-powered Zero Trust management and operations solution, can address all your security concerns.

Top reasons to start your free trial today:

  • Predict imminent outages.
  • Expedite resolution upon issue detection.
  • Get real-time best practice recommendations.
  • Detect and fix policy anomalies.
  • Implement security policies that comply with best practices at the time of configuration.
  • Manage your entire network security estate from one unified management interface.

The time is now to radically transform your network security management and operations. Start your free trial today — so you can predict, prevent and relax tomorrow.

*This trial is exclusively available to current Palo Alto Networks NGFW customers.

1. Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, IBM Security, July 2023.

2. Risk-Based Evaluations of Cloud Provider Security, Gartner, August 31, 2021.

3. Cyber Resilient Organization Report 2020, IBM Security, June 30, 2020.

Die Netzwerksicherheit wird mit jeder Minute komplexer

Mit welcher der folgenden Herausforderungen sind Sie derzeit konfrontiert?

Störungen sind weder vorhersehbar noch vermeidbar: Die manuelle Überwachung mehrerer Tools ist extrem zeit- und ressourcenaufwendig.

Größeres Risiko eines Datenlecks: Mangelnde Sicherheitshygiene und häufige Fehlkonfigurationen machen Sie anfällig.

Steigende Komplexität von Netzwerksicherheitsmanagement und -betrieb: Die Nutzung und Verwaltung mehrerer Tools führt zu Inkonsistenzen bei der Sicherheit und zu unnötigen Kosten.

Beginnen Sie jetzt Ihren 90-tägigen kostenlosen Test, um zu erfahren, wie Strata Cloud Manager, die branchenweit erste KI-gestützte Lösung für Zero-Trust-Management und -Betrieb, Ihre Sicherheitsanforderungen erfüllen kann.

Wichtige Gründe, noch heute Ihren kostenlosen Test zu starten:

  • Sehen Sie bevorstehende Störungen voraus.
  • Beschleunigen Sie die Behebung erkannter Vorfälle.
  • Lassen Sie sich in Echtzeit Best Practices empfehlen.
  • Erkennen und beheben Sie Diskrepanzen in Richtlinien.
  • Implementieren Sie im Rahmen der Konfiguration Sicherheitsrichtlinien, die Best Practices entsprechen.
  • Verwalten Sie NGFW und SASE über eine zentrale Managementoberfläche.

Es ist an der Zeit, Ihr Netzwerksicherheitsmanagement und die damit verbundenen Prozesse radikal zu transformieren. Starten Sie noch heute Ihren kostenlosen Test – damit Sie schon morgen vorhersagen, vorbeugen und entspannen können.

La sécurité réseau ne cesse de se complexifier

À quels défis votre entreprise est-elle confrontée ?

Incapacité à anticiper et à prévenir les perturbations : vous devez surveiller manuellement de multiples outils, une tâche fastidieuse et chronophage.

Augmentation du risque de compromission : de mauvaises configurations et pratiques de sécurité vous exposent aux cyberattaques.

Complexité de la gestion opérationnelle de la sécurité réseau : les équipes doivent jongler entre de multiples outils qui créent un patchwork hétérogène et coûteux.

Demandez votre essai gratuit de 90 jours pour découvrir Strata Cloud Manager en action

Strata Cloud Manager est la toute première solution pilotée par IA pour la gestion et les opérations Zero Trust. Elle apporte une réponse à tous vos défis de sécurité grâce à des fonctionnalités de pointe :

  • Anticipation des pannes imminentes
  • Accélération de la remédiation dès la détection du problème
  • Recommandations de bonnes pratiques en temps réel
  • Détection et correction des anomalies dans les politiques
  • Déploiement de politiques conformes aux bonnes pratiques dès la configuration
  • Gestion des NGFW et du SASE depuis une interface unifiée

De la gestion aux opérations, transformez radicalement la sécurité de votre réseau. Testez Strata Cloud Manager gratuitement pour prédire, prévenir et progresser en toute sérénité.

Con cada minuto que pasa, la seguridad de la red se vuelve más compleja

¿Le suena alguno de estos retos?

Incapacidad de predecir y prevenir las interrupciones. La supervisión manual de diferentes herramientas es una tarea inabarcable que acapara toda la atención de los profesionales.

Mayor riesgo de sufrir una brecha. Unas prácticas de seguridad deficientes y los errores de configuración frecuentes aumentan su exposición al riesgo.

Operaciones y gestión de la seguridad de la red complejas. La necesidad de utilizar y gestionar distintas herramientas da lugar a una seguridad costosa e incoherente.

Inicie ahora su prueba gratuita de 90 días para ver cómo Strata Cloud Manager, la primera solución de gestión y operaciones Zero Trust con IA, aborda las cuestiones de seguridad que más le preocupan.

Principales motivos para que inicie su prueba gratuita hoy mismo:

  • Prediga cualquier caída del servicio inminente.
  • Agilice la corrección de los problemas tras su detección.
  • Obtenga sugerencias de prácticas recomendadas en tiempo real.
  • Detecte y corrija cualquier anomalía en las políticas.
  • Implemente políticas de seguridad configuradas de acuerdo con las prácticas recomendadas.
  • Gestione los NGFW y el SASE desde una interfaz unificada.

Es el momento de que transforme drásticamente las operaciones y la gestión de la seguridad de la red. Inicie su prueba gratuita hoy mismo para predecir y prevenir las amenazas y poder relajarse en el futuro.

La sicurezza della rete si fa sempre più complessa.

Quale delle seguenti difficoltà stai affrontando attualmente?

Impossibilità di prevedere e prevenire interruzioni. Monitoraggio manuale di più strumenti spropositato e dispendioso.

Maggiore rischio di violazioni. Maggiore esposizione dovuta a scarsa igiene della sicurezza e a frequenti configurazioni errate.

Complessità delle operazioni e della gestione della sicurezza di rete. Sicurezza costosa e non uniforme per via della complessità di gestione e dell'utilizzo di più strumenti.

Inizia subito la prova gratuita di 90 giorni per scoprire in che modo Strata Cloud Manager, la prima soluzione per gestione e operazioni Zero Trust basata su IA, è in grado di risolvere tutti i tuoi problemi legati alla sicurezza.

Motivi principali per iniziare subito la prova gratuita:

  • Previsione delle interruzioni imminenti.
  • Riduzione dei tempi di risoluzione una volta rilevato il problema.
  • Raccomandazioni sulle best practice in tempo reale.
  • Rilevamento e correzione di anomalie nelle policy.
  • Implementa policy di sicurezza conformi alle best practice già in fase di configurazione.
  • Gestisci NGFW e SASE da un'interfaccia unificata.

È giunto il momento di trasformare radicalmente la gestione e le operazioni di sicurezza di rete. Inizia subito la tua prova gratuita, così potrai prevedere, prevenire e rilassarti in futuro.

매 순간 더 복잡해지는 네트워크 보안

귀사에서 현재 당면한 난제는 다음 중 무엇입니까?

중단을 예측하고 예방할 수 없음. 도구 여러 개를 수동으로 모니터링하자니 부담이 크고 손이 너무 많이 감.

침해 리스크의 증가. 보안 위생이 불량하고 구성 오류가 잦아 위험에 노출된 채 방치됨.

네트워크 보안 관리와 운영이 복잡함. 여러 도구를 관리, 운영하다 보니 비용이 많이 들고 보안 일관성이 떨어짐.

오늘부터 90일 무료 평가판으로 Strata Cloud Manager를 사용해 보세요. 업계 최초의 AI 기반 제로 트러스트 관리 및 운영 솔루션으로, 보안 우려 사항을 모두 해결해 드립니다.

지금 무료 평가판을 시작해야 하는 주요 이유:

  • 중단 임박 예측.
  • 문제 탐지 시 신속한 해결.
  • 실시간 모범 사례 권장 사항 제공.
  • 정책 이상 탐지 및 수정.
  • 구성 시점에 모범 사례를 준수하는 보안 정책 구현.
  • 하나의 통합된 관리 인터페이스에서 NGFW 및 SASE 관리.

이제 네트워크 보안 관리와 운영을 대대적으로 변혁할 때입니다. 오늘부터 무료 평가판을 시작해 내일을 예측하고 예방해 마음의 여유를 얻으세요.






立即开始 90 天的免费试用,了解首款人工智能驱动的零信任管理和运营解决方案 Strata Cloud Manager 如何解决您的所有安全问题。


  • 预测即将发生的故障。
  • 检测到问题后加快解决速度。
  • 获取实时最佳实践建议。
  • 检测并修复策略异常。
  • 在配置时实施符合最佳实践的安全策略。
  • 从一个统一的管理界面管理 NGFW 和 SASE。

现在是彻底改变网络安全管理和运营的时候了。今天开始免费试用 — 明天就可以预测、预防、高枕无忧。






立即開始 90 天免費試用,了解首創的 AI 支援零信任管理和營運解決方案 Strata Cloud Manager 如何解決您的所有安全問題


  • 預測即將發生的中斷。
  • 偵測到問題時加快解決速度。
  • 取得即時最佳實務建議。
  • 偵測並修正政策異常。
  • 在設定時實施符合最佳實務的安全政策。
  • 從一個統一的管理介面來管理新世代防火牆和 SASE。

現在已是從根本改變您的網路安全管理和營運的最佳時機。立即開始免費試用 — 這樣您就能預測並預防,然後高枕無憂。

A segurança da rede fica mais complexa a cada minuto que passa

Quais destes desafios você enfrenta atualmente?

Não é possível prever e evitar interrupções. Monitorar manualmente várias ferramentas é cansativo e demorado.

Maior risco de violação. A falta de integridade de segurança e as configurações incorretas frequentes expõem você.

Gerenciamento e operações complexas de segurança de rede. Gerenciar e operar diversas ferramentas resulta em segurança cara e inconsistente.

Comece seu teste gratuito de 90 dias agora para ver como o Strata Cloud Manager, a primeira solução de gerenciamento e operações de confiança zero alimentada por IA, pode resolver todas as suas preocupações de segurança.

Os principais motivos para iniciar seu teste gratuito hoje mesmo:

  • Preveja interrupções iminentes.
  • Acelere a resolução após a detecção de problemas.
  • Obtenha recomendações de práticas recomendadas em tempo real.
  • Detecte e corrija anomalias de políticas.
  • Implemente políticas de segurança que cumpram as práticas recomendadas no momento da configuração.
  • Gerencie NGFW e SASE a partir de uma interface de gerenciamento unificada.

Chegou a hora de transformar radicalmente o gerenciamento e as operações de segurança da sua rede. Comece seu teste gratuito hoje mesmo para que possa prever, prevenir e relaxar amanhã.

Network operations teams are often faced with the challenge of preventing firewall-related errors that lead to business disruptions. Once impacted, they spend immense time and resources reacting to the situation – trying to determine the root cause – while under tremendous pressure to bring the business back online.

To efficiently manage firewalls, network security operators need insights into security gaps and firewall-related errors before they become business-impacting.

Existing solutions are not enough as they don’t give visibility into your current security posture or how to improve it. This is an often reactive process and cannot predict or prevent disruptions. Therefore, there is no way to confidently assess the impact of future deployment options.

By replacing multiple, separate and manual IT operations tools with a single, intelligent and automated IT operations platform, AIOps for NGFW enables network operations teams to respond more quickly – even proactively – to slowdowns and outages with a lot less effort. Palo Alto Networks introduces the industry’s first domain-centric AIOps for NGFW that redefines firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.

Sign up for your 90-day free trial to access all the features of AIOps for NGFW today!

If you are a current Palo Alto Networks customer, you may also reach out directly to your account team to initiate the premium 90-day free trial of AIOps.

Network operations teams are often faced with the challenge of preventing firewall-related errors that lead to business disruptions. Once impacted, they spend immense time and resources reacting to the situation – trying to determine the root cause – while under tremendous pressure to bring the business back online.

To efficiently manage firewalls, network security operators need insights into security gaps and firewall-related errors before they become business-impacting.

Existing solutions are not enough as they don’t give visibility into your current security posture or how to improve it. This is an often reactive process and cannot predict or prevent disruptions. Therefore, there is no way to confidently assess the impact of future deployment options.

By replacing multiple, separate and manual IT operations tools with a single, intelligent and automated IT operations platform, AIOps for NGFW enables network operations teams to respond more quickly – even proactively – to slowdowns and outages with a lot less effort. Palo Alto Networks introduces the industry’s first domain-centric AIOps for NGFW that redefines firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.

Sign up for your 90-day free trial to access all the features of AIOps for NGFW today!

If you are a current Palo Alto Networks customer, you may also reach out directly to your account team to initiate the premium 90-day free trial of AIOps.

Network operations teams are often faced with the challenge of preventing firewall-related errors that lead to business disruptions. Once impacted, they spend immense time and resources reacting to the situation – trying to determine the root cause – while under tremendous pressure to bring the business back online.

To efficiently manage firewalls, network security operators need insights into security gaps and firewall-related errors before they become business-impacting.

Existing solutions are not enough as they don’t give visibility into your current security posture or how to improve it. This is an often reactive process and cannot predict or prevent disruptions. Therefore, there is no way to confidently assess the impact of future deployment options.

By replacing multiple, separate and manual IT operations tools with a single, intelligent and automated IT operations platform, AIOps for NGFW enables network operations teams to respond more quickly – even proactively – to slowdowns and outages with a lot less effort. Palo Alto Networks introduces the industry’s first domain-centric AIOps for NGFW that redefines firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.

Sign up for your 90-day free trial to access all the features of AIOps for NGFW today!

If you are a current Palo Alto Networks customer, you may also reach out directly to your account team to initiate the premium 90-day free trial of AIOps.

Network operations teams are often faced with the challenge of preventing firewall-related errors that lead to business disruptions. Once impacted, they spend immense time and resources reacting to the situation – trying to determine the root cause – while under tremendous pressure to bring the business back online.

To efficiently manage firewalls, network security operators need insights into security gaps and firewall-related errors before they become business-impacting.

Existing solutions are not enough as they don’t give visibility into your current security posture or how to improve it. This is an often reactive process and cannot predict or prevent disruptions. Therefore, there is no way to confidently assess the impact of future deployment options.

By replacing multiple, separate and manual IT operations tools with a single, intelligent and automated IT operations platform, AIOps for NGFW enables network operations teams to respond more quickly – even proactively – to slowdowns and outages with a lot less effort. Palo Alto Networks introduces the industry’s first domain-centric AIOps for NGFW that redefines firewall operational experience by predicting, interpreting and resolving problems before they become business-impacting.

Sign up for your 90-day free trial to access all the features of AIOps for NGFW today!

If you are a current Palo Alto Networks customer, you may also reach out directly to your account team to initiate the premium 90-day free trial of AIOps.

90-day free trial

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90 天免費試用

Teste gratuito de 90 dias