The Continuum of Cloud Native Topologies

Cloud-native Ansätze: So treffen Sie die richtige Wahl

Technologie cloud-native : comment choisir la bonne option

Conozca sus opciones nativas de la nube

Know Your Cloud-Native Options


Know Your Cloud-Native Options



Know Your Cloud-Native Options

Know Your Cloud-Native Options

Choose the cloud native tech that fits

Wählen Sie die richtige Cloud-native Technologie

Choisissez la technologie cloud-native taillée pour vos enjeux

Elija la tecnología nativa de la nube más adecuada para usted

Choose the cloud-native tech that fits

Choose the cloud-native tech that fits



Choose the cloud-native tech that fits

Optimize Your Cloud for Greater Agility and Efficiency

Eine optimierte Cloud-Nutzung für mehr Flexibilität und Effizienz

Optimisez votre cloud pour une agilité et une efficacité renforcées

Optimice su nube para disfrutar de mayor agilidad y eficiencia

Optimize your cloud for greater agility and efficiency

Optimize your cloud for greater agility and efficiency



Optimize your cloud for greater agility and efficiency

As cloud innovations continue to expand, many new technologies – such as workload deployment and management – are evolving from the cloud native ecosystem’s initial core of containers to meet today’s needs. The differences between these technologies are often nuanced, making it difficult to fully understand their benefits and tradeoffs.

In this white paper, you’ll learn about cloud native technologies as a continuum model, spanning from VMs and containers to serverless deployments. With this model in mind, you’ll better understand how to combine technologies to run workloads optimally.

Read it today and get up to speed on:

  • The varied cloud native options available
  • The pros and cons of each
  • Choosing a combination of technologies that works best for you

Find out how to optimize your workloads today.

Angesichts der wachsenden Nutzung von containerbasierten und serverlosen Architekturen ist das Bereitstellen und Verwalten von Workloads in der Cloud alles andere als einfach. 

Woher wissen Sie, welche der zahlreichen Arten von Container- und CaaS(Containers-as-a-Service)-Umgebungen für Ihr Unternehmen am besten geeignet sind? Bieten sich On-Demand-Container an oder vielleicht eher serverlose Infrastrukturen? Jeder Cloud-native Ansatz hat seine eigenen Vor- und Nachteile, aber wenn Sie sich an den Anforderungen Ihrer Unternehmensumgebung ausrichten, treffen Sie schnell die richtige Wahl.

Wenn Sie Ihr Wissen vertiefen und diese Technologien optimal nutzen möchten, empfehlen wir die Lektüre unseres neuen Whitepapers. Dort erwarten Sie folgende Themen:

  • Welche Cloud-nativen Optionen stehen zur Auswahl?
  • Die Vor- und Nachteile der verschiedenen Optionen
  • So stellen Sie den richtigen Technologie-Mix zusammen

Laden Sie das Whitepaper herunter und erfahren Sie, wie Sie die richtigen Technologien für die Cloud-Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens auswählen. Wenn Sie sich für einen Ansatz entschieden haben, unterstützen wir Sie dabei, ihn zu implementieren.

L'adoption croissante des containers et de l'informatique sans serveur engendre de nombreuses incertitudes quant au déploiement et à la gestion des workloads dans le cloud.

Parmi les nombreuses options possibles, comment identifier le type de containers ou de Containers as a service (CaaS) adapté à vos besoins ? Comment choisir entre containers à la demande et infrastructure sans serveur ? Si chaque option cloud-native présente des avantages et des inconvénients, il existe forcément une solution adaptée à vos besoins spécifiques.

Si vous souhaitez enrichir vos connaissances et exploiter tout le potentiel de ces technologies, notre nouveau livre blanc vous aidera à mieux identifier :

  • Les différentes options cloud-native existantes
  • Les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque option
  • La combinaison de technologies qu'il vous faut

Téléchargez le livre blanc pour apprendre à choisir les technologies cloud-native adaptées aux besoins de votre entreprise. Nous vous aiderons ensuite à les déployer en toute sécurité.

Con el auge de los contenedores y la adopción de soluciones sin servidor, la implementación y gestión de las cargas de trabajo en la nube siguen suscitando una gran confusión. 

De todos los tipos de contenedores, o de contenedores como servicio (CaaS, por sus siglas en inglés), ¿cuál es el más adecuado para usted? Es posible que lo más conveniente sea utilizar contenedores a petición, o tal vez la solución óptima en su caso sea la infraestructura sin servidor. Cada opción nativa de la nube tiene sus pros y sus contras, así que la elección dependerá de sus necesidades específicas.

Si busca mejorar su conocimiento y sacar el máximo partido a estas tecnologías, nuestro nuevo informe técnico le explicará:

  • las diversas opciones nativas para la nube disponibles;
  • los pros y los contras de cada una;
  • cómo elegir la combinación de tecnologías que mejor se adapta a usted.

Consiga el informe técnico para aprender a elegir la tecnología óptima para las necesidades de nube nativa de su organización; nosotros le ayudaremos a protegerla.

With the surge in containers and serverless adoption, cloud workload deployment and management remain particularly widespread subjects of confusion. 

How do you know which of the many types of containers, or containers as a service (CaaS) is the right one for you? You might want to use on-demand containers or serverless infrastructure. Each cloud-native option has its own advantages and disadvantages, but depending on your specific needs, one of these will be the right fit for you.

If you’re looking to enhance your knowledge and get the most out of these technologies, our new white paper will help you understand:

  • The varied cloud-native options available
  • The pros and cons of each
  • How to choose which combination of technologies works best for you

Get the white paper to learn how to choose the optimal technology for your organization’s cloud-native needs – and we’ll help you secure it.

With the surge in containers and serverless adoption, cloud workload deployment and management remain particularly widespread subjects of confusion. 

How do you know which of the many types of containers, or containers as a service (CaaS) is the right one for you? You might want to use on-demand containers or serverless infrastructure. Each cloud-native option has its own advantages and disadvantages, but depending on your specific needs, one of these will be the right fit for you.

If you’re looking to enhance your knowledge and get the most out of these technologies, our new white paper will help you understand:

  • The varied cloud-native options available
  • The pros and cons of each
  • How to choose which combination of technologies works best for you

Get the white paper to learn how to choose the optimal technology for your organization’s cloud-native needs – and we’ll help you secure it.


如何才能知道种类繁多的容器或容器即服务 (CaaS) 中哪一款最适合自己?您可能想要使用按需容器或无服务器基础架构,而每种云原生技术都有自己的优缺点,但总有一款能够满足您的具体需求。


  • 市面上不同的云原生技术
  • 每一种技术的优点和缺点
  • 如何选择最适合您的技术组合



如何知道在許多類型的容器或容器即服務 (CaaS) 中哪一種最適合自己?您可能想要使用隨需容器或無伺服器基礎結構,而每個雲端原生技術都有自己的優缺點,但總會有一個能夠滿足您的具體需求。


  • 市場上的不同雲端原生技術
  • 每個雲端原生技術的利弊
  • 如何選擇最適合您的技術組合


With the surge in containers and serverless adoption, cloud workload deployment and management remain particularly widespread subjects of confusion. 

How do you know which of the many types of containers, or containers as a service (CaaS) is the right one for you? You might want to use on-demand containers or serverless infrastructure. Each cloud-native option has its own advantages and disadvantages, but depending on your specific needs, one of these will be the right fit for you.

If you’re looking to enhance your knowledge and get the most out of these technologies, our new white paper will help you understand:

  • The varied cloud-native options available
  • The pros and cons of each
  • How to choose which combination of technologies works best for you

Get the white paper to learn how to choose the optimal technology for your organization’s cloud-native needs – and we’ll help you secure it.

With the surge in containers and serverless adoption, cloud workload deployment and management remain particularly widespread subjects of confusion. 

How do you know which of the many types of containers, or containers as a service (CaaS) is the right one for you? You might want to use on-demand containers or serverless infrastructure. Each cloud-native option has its own advantages and disadvantages, but depending on your specific needs, one of these will be the right fit for you.

If you’re looking to enhance your knowledge and get the most out of these technologies, our new white paper will help you understand:

  • The varied cloud-native options available
  • The pros and cons of each
  • How to choose which combination of technologies works best for you

Get the white paper to learn how to choose the optimal technology for your organization’s cloud-native needs – and we’ll help you secure it.

Choose the right cloud native tech

Wählen Sie die richtige Cloud-native Technologie

Technologies cloud-native : faites le bon choix

Elija su tecnología de nube nativa

Choose your cloud-native tech

Choose your cloud-native tech



Choose your cloud-native tech

Choose your cloud-native tech